Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Environmental Management Energy Conservation

Question: Discuss about theEnvironmental Managementfor Energy Conservation. Answer: Introduction This study has aimed to develop the concept of energy management for sustainable development. In this context, this study has tried to demonstrate the energy conservation strategies. In this purpose, it can be stated that with the help of the energy conservation techniques, the energy costs can be lowered. Moreover, the environmental quality can also be improved. Additionally, this study is also helpful to identify and discuss the functions of the several types of energy conservation techniques (Ahmad and Tahar 2014). These include energy tax, building framework, transportation and the consumer goods. Moreover, this study has tried to demonstrate the energy conservation technique for a particular house. For this purpose, five appropriate strategies have been discussed, which can save the energy of a house. The study has also tried to demonstrate the uses and the benefits of some technology, which can save the energy of the house (Lund and Hvelplund 2012). Energy Conservation Strategies In the words of Allcott and Rogers (2014), energy conservation can be referred to the reduction of energy consumption. This energy can be consumed with the help of the lower energy services. In this connection, it is necessary to identify the disparities between the different types of effective uses of the energy. This highlighted the utility of the lower energy for the constant services (Elliott 2012). It can be stated that energy conservation strategy is able to decrease or lowering down the energy and can save the energy. As a result, the environmental quality would be increased (Ghaffarian Hoseini et al. 2013). The personal savings rate would be also increased. With the help of these concepts and ideas, the sustainable energy hierarchy can be discussed. Therefore, the energy cost can be reduced with the help of the prevention of future resource depletion. There are several energy conservation strategies, which have been discussed briefly in the following section: Firstly, it is required to develop or increase the communications with the regional utility organisation (Ghai and Vivian 2014). After that, it is necessary to identify and estimate the necessary requirements in order to diminish the loads or the functions. Next, it is needed to recognise the load reduction measurement, which can enhance the facility and the energy quality. In addition to this, this study can also help investigate the various loads (Hwang and Tan 2012). These loads are able to reflect the movement of life and health of the people by improving the environmental quality On the other hand, these loads are also helpful to investigate or can terminate the non-critical loads. (Kaygusuz 2012) mentioned that Energy conservation strategies can decrease the electricity loads, hence, in turn the people need to sacrifice the comfort level. Moreover, for this purpose, it is necessary to develop an activity which can help aware the people; however, this could reduce the environmen tal quality. Energy Tax: As per the statement of Lin and Liu (2012), energy or carbon tax is able to encourage the energy users and they could in turn reduce the level of consumption. Carbon tax is helpful to shift the consumers willingness to the consumption of the nuclear power. In this respect, it can be mentioned that imposition of energy tax has some pros and cons. Designing of the Building: The preliminary method of enhancing the level of energy conservation in building can be achieved by the energy audit. Lund and Hvelplund (2012) added that energy audit is able to evaluate the utility of energy. Moreover, energy audit can diminish the energy input valuation without adversely affect the energy output. Transportation: In order to reduce the air pollution, Oyedepo (2012) mentioned that the citizens of Australia can reduce the use of fossil fuel. In this connection, it can be stated that the people can travel by walking or bicycling instead of the use of the cars. It can effectively reduce the emission of carbon dioxide gas. As a result, it can mention that the opportunity of energy conservation can be increased. Consumer Products: According to Reid (2013), it can be mentioned that conserving energy takes higher time and it is costly for the consumers. Nevertheless, it can be observed that using of fossil fuel compared to the use of conserving energy is cheaper. As a result, the government of a country aims to reduce the cost of the eco labels (Hwang and Tan 2012). Energy Analysis Techniques for a Particular House As per the statement of Seyfang and Haxeltine (2012), the energy conserving techniques can enhance the energy efficiency level and can reduce the costs. This will increase the profitability in the long run. Some of the important techniques have been discussed briefly in the following section: In most of the case it can be observed that the citizens of Australia use 22% of the countrys total energy (Hwang and Tan 2012). However, a lot of energy is wasted through the windows of a house, cooling systems and inefficient heating. Therefore, it is necessary to save energy and the cost of the residents (Allcott and Rogers 2014). The owner of the house is required to install a programmable thermostat in order to reduce the utility bills. This will in turn reflect and aid in controlling the heating as well as the cooling systems effectively. Lin and Liu (2012) opined that the residents of the houses need to turn off electronic gadgets such as light, fan etc when they will not be present in the rooms of the house. Moreover, it is important to reduce the thermostat of the water heater to the temperature of 1200 F. The windows and the doors of the house are required to remain closed during the time of cooling as well as heating. According to Allcott and Rogers (2014), the residents can use passive solar design, which is helpful to heat and cool the house. This specific type of solar design is eco friendly as well as the cost effective. In most of the cases, the heating costs can be diminished to reduce the half of the cost of heating. Passive solar energy is also able to decrease the cost of the cooling (Ahmad and Tahar 2014). This technique also contains the designed overhangs and uses the reflective coating on the object like windows, roofs, exterior roofs of a house. Moreover, these passive solar residuals require updated structure of a house. Therefore, after the analysis, it can be mentioned that passive solar design can effectively conserve the energy of a house (Ghaffarian Hoseini et al. 2013). In the opinion of Ghai and Vivian (2014), CFL lighting can effectively save the energy of a house. In this connection, it can be mentioned that a CFL bulb uses only one fourth energy compared to the traditional incandescent bulbs. Moreover, it can be observed that the use of CFL helps save money by reducing the electric bill (Lund and Hvelplund 2012). The CFLs include a lower quantity of mercury within the glass tubing and can be recycled. Therefore, these are not harmful for the environment. In case of the conserve of energy, the uses of the smart appliances are helpful. With the help of these appliances, it leads to shifts in the usage of electricity to the off-peak hours. Seyfang and Haxeltine (2012) put that smart appliances cannot decrease the higher demand for electricity; however, it restrained the process by shifting the use of the energy. As a result, it can be concluded that these smart appliances in turn can conserve the energy of a house (Hwang and Tan 2012). Use of the solar and the renewable resources can successfully save the energy of a house. This is sustainable and it would not run out. Moreover, the uses of the renewable resources are beneficial to diminish the total cost of the operation. In addition, renewable resources produce lower amount of wastages and also emit lower amount of carbon dioxide (Ghaffarian Hoseini et al. 2013). Conclusion This study has highlighted the concept of environmental management for the sustainable development. In this connection this study has tried to present the energy reservation strategies. Moreover, the study has also tried to discuss the energy conservation techniques for a house. This will effectively save the energy of the house and also reduce the cost. After the discussion, it can be seen that the benefits of using the renewable resources, CFLs, passive solar energy design have been mentioned which can help conserve the use of energy. References Ahmad, S. and Tahar, R.M., 2014. Selection of renewable energy sources for sustainable development of electricity generation system using analytic hierarchy process: A case of Malaysia.Renewable energy,63, pp.458-466. Allcott, H. and Rogers, T., 2014. The short-run and long-run effects of behavioral interventions: Experimental evidence from energy conservation.The American Economic Review,104(10), pp.3003-3037. Elliott, J., 2012.An introduction to sustainable development. Routledge. GhaffarianHoseini, A., Dahlan, N.D., Berardi, U., GhaffarianHoseini, A., Makaremi, N. and GhaffarianHoseini, M., 2013. 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